Natural Old Folk Recipes And Herbs

Benefits of Treating With Folk Recipes

Natural Remedies work! Since the beginning of time, individuals have been depending on natural remedies.
It’s proved that almost every illness have a natural remedy. The most important advantages of natural remedies are:

Very easy to use with no side effects and they are prepared with no chemicals

Much milder on your body and you know exactly what ingredients are in your remedy

Natural Remedies Are Safer, Everyone Knows About The Negative Effects Of Drugs Overuse

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Aloe Vera – The Effective Remedy For Chronic Gastritis. Home Recipes.

Тhe leaves of the plant are used for healing purposes. The ingredients anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, wound healing, antimicrobial and antiviral effect.

They are used to strengthen the immune system, for inflammatory and infectious diseases, duodenal ulcer, ulcerative colitis, kidney stones, lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting. They improve skin and hair condition, as well.



Mix100 ml. aloe juice with 100 g of honey. Take 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day, before meals for 3 weeks. 

Home remedy for stomach and duodenal ulcers


Take 300 ml of aloe juice (squeezed manually) and mix it with 1 cup of pure honey and 1 cup (250 ml) of extra virgin oil. Pour the mixture into a glass bottle, and then into a saucepan, at the bottom of which are placed  straws to prevent the glass bottle from bursting. Heat for 3 hours on low heat. Once it has cooled down, screw the cap and put the bottle into the refrigerator. Take 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomack – shake the bottle first.

4 Effective Herbs That Boost Your Sexual Power Naturally

1.Tribulus terrestris

Perhaps the first association that pops up in your mind, hearing  Tribulus terrestris, is the Viagra pill. Sure, but this is only one of the huge number of beneficial properties of the plant. It helps in male infertility and reduces libido. In women, the herb restores estrogen levels and helps relieve pain during menopause.

2. Donkey thistle

The donkey thistle is one of the treasures in the natural pharmacy. The benefits of the aromatic honey, made from this herb are beyond doubt, not only for health, but also for male and female confidence.

Its action is equally strong in both sexes. This natural remedy regains your confidence and helps you experience the sweetness of  intimate contact with your partner.

3.St. John's Wort

It's not accidental that some herbalists call it the magical herb because it possesses incredible power.

The positive effect of this herb in the treatment of depressive condition is scientifically proven. The yellow-colored herb is also a strong aphrodisiac.

It is beneficial for boosting male sexual power naturally and is particularly effective in premature ejaculation.

4. Mursala tea

It is also called the Bulgarian Viagra because of its positive effect on male potency.

What cures:

The incredible healing properties of Mursala tea are due to the contained in it flavonoids and 22 elements of the periodic table, among which are: iron, copper, cobalt, selenium, zinc, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, etc.

Health benefits:

-It helps with lung problems - it has a unique expectorant action, acts soothing for bronchitis and asthma

-It helps, kidney and liver diseases, colds

-calms the nervous system

-acts tonic, immunostimulatory and antianaemic

-lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke

-removes the salts of heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body

-hampers development of certain cancer cells

-slows the aging processes, thanks to the action of the powerful antioxidants

-improves the work of the digestive system

-protects of the occurrence of atherosclerosis

-well expressed anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action, making it successful application in chronic gastritis, enterocolitis and other intestinal diseases

-wonderful impact on the genitourinary system

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