Natural Old Folk Recipes And Herbs

Benefits of Treating With Folk Recipes

Natural Remedies work! Since the beginning of time, individuals have been depending on natural remedies.
It’s proved that almost every illness have a natural remedy. The most important advantages of natural remedies are:

Very easy to use with no side effects and they are prepared with no chemicals

Much milder on your body and you know exactly what ingredients are in your remedy

Natural Remedies Are Safer, Everyone Knows About The Negative Effects Of Drugs Overuse

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Natural Remedies Treating Knee Pain

Take 1 jаr (500 ml) and fill ¾ of it with any kind of vinegar. Then put 1 raw egg with the shell. After 5-6 days, the shell will drop out of the egg. Then, take out the egg and get only the yolk. Put it back to the vinegar and beat up well the whole mixture. Add 80 ml turpentine oil and shake well. Each night drip 10-15 drops on the hand / leg and rub the affected area 2-3 times. Then place woolen piece over it and a bandage it. The procedure is repeated until the pains resolves itself - 7-12 evenings.

Natural remedy for knee pain and swelling

My knee was swollen and the pain was quite strong. It was said that the lubrication in the joint was insufficient. I cured myself with the following natural products:

300 g celery leaves and stalks (grounded), 750 ml. apple vinegar and 1 kg. honey. Mix all these and take 1 tsp., 3 times a day before meal. The mixture is stored in a refrigerator. I have no complaints for 6-7 years now. It is good to take this remedy at least once a year. But also, you need a diet: lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grain bread and limited meat. This recipe is very useful for rejuvenation of joints / in spines / as well as for arthritis in combination with a cleansing program of the body.

Remedy for liquid in the knee

Get 3-4 horse chestnuts and grate them. Mix with 1-2 loaves of rye bread (pre-soaked in vinegar and drained). Put as a compress to the tender place, bandage and sleep overnight.

How I healed myself from osteoporosis, rheumatism, joint cartilage wear?

I have injected, burned, lubricated with finalgon, but there was almost no benefit. I began to drink  herbal tea from: filipendula ulmaria (also known as “bridewort”), willow bark and centaurium erythraea. These plants brought me back to normal life.

Recipe 1

In 500 ml. of boiling water put 50 gr. filipendula ulmaria, 50 gr. willow bark and 50 gr. centaurium erythraea. When the water start boiling remove from the fire and let it soak for 30 minutes. Drink by 250 ml before meal once in a day. After 4 months I felt very well.

Recipe 2

Take 300 g celery / leaves and stalks /, 750 ml. apple vinegar and 1 kg. honey. Mix and take 1 tb.s , 3 times a day before meal. Store in a refrigerator.

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