How to Treat Prostate Infection With Natural
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classic symptoms of prostate infection include severe genital pains that affect
the entire penis and scrotum. In this type of infection, the patient may suffer
from painful urination, urgency, frequent urination, blood
in the
urine or
strong-smelling urine due to the presence of microbes.
In prostatitis, prostate gland is increased and
in turn presses the urethra and rectum, causing constipation and dysuria. Other
symptoms are: fever, chills, pain in the
lower back, body pain, and painful ejaculation. From prostatitis are affected
men aged 20 to 40 years.
What does the prostate
gland do?
It is one of the most important organs in the reproductive system of the man because it is involved in sperm formation. This gland is responsible for maintaining of some acidity , because sperm to survive longer in the vagina.
ejaculation the musculature of the prostate helps the ejection of semen. An
interesting fact is that prostate infection becomes cause of prostatitis, in a
very small percentage of cases. Behind the infection of the prostate are often
hidden complications, such as infection of the urethra or of the bladder.
What tests should I
If the diagnosis
of acute bacterial prostatitis is confirmed, immediately go for medical
treatment. This disease can occur in acute (acute prostatitis) or chronic form.
Chronic prostate infection rarely causes prostatitis. It is less common. The
symptoms of chronic prostatitis are similar to those in prostatitis,( in a
milder version), but in contrast, are more resistant and with longer duration.
Prostatitis is
associated with the amount of zinc in the body. If you have a high level of
zinc in the cells, then you are prone to it. It can be provoked by foods rich
in this substance or a certain way of life, where we have retention of zinc in
the body.
The best therapy for prostatitis is prevention.
The most important thing is diet. Avoid foods that are high in zinc.
Foods to avoid
These are foods and drinks that irritate the bladder:
If the infection continues or complications occur, immediately consult a
doctor!Increase your intake of copper. This is a
wonderful anti-inflammatory remedy. You can take it as a dietary supplement or to
eat foods which containing it (pumpkin, asparagus, wholemeal bread). Copper
will reduce the amount of zinc in the body and the system will cope with the
enlarged prostate alone.
Prostate cancer. Symptoms.
Symptoms of prostate cancer can be mistaken for those of prostatitis.
These may include flu-like symptoms, blood in urine or semen, painful ejaculation,
persistent pain in the lower back, pelvis, or lower in the upper thighs.
Treatment of
prostatitis with natural remedies and herbs
This treatment
arouses great interest. Natural treatment is simple, no side effects, it is not
expensive as compared with the drugs provided by traditional medicine.
Herbs can
effectively deal with all the problems associated with prostatitis: unbearable
pain and irritation, burning during urination, impotence or lack of erection.
One of the best herbs for prostate cure are those that have natural
anti-inflammatory properties and in addition, they strengthen the immune
They act as
improve the performance of individual organs, glands and systems, including the
stimulates the immune system and treat urinary tract infections.
Cranberry juice
Cranberry Juice
cure prostate by changing the pH of the urine. It is used in the treatment of
both sexes.
Brewed coffeeIt is a good alternative to the Mongols diuretic (causing urination) drugs, alleviating symptoms of urinary retention.
It is a
great herb for urinary tract, protecting us from infections, cleaning urethra.
Currently under debate is treating prostatic hypertrophy with it.
It can be taken as a dietary
supplement or with foods that containing it. There is an evidence that it
reduces the risk of cancer.
It is the best natural antibiotic
that protects us against infections and destroys free radicals. Great remedy
for infections of the urinary tract and for healthy prostate.
Pumpkin seed
In pumpkin seeds are containing 45% linoleic
acid and fitosterin. It is an ideal tool for diseases of the bladder, prostate,
and against heart attack. The large amount of vitamin E and selenium have antioxidant
and anti-inflammatory effect in the body.
Useful links:
Urology Forum – here.
Prostate Cancer Treatment – here.
A set of exercises in chronic
prostatitis – here.
American Urological Association
– here.
Natural treatment with herbs, old home recipes and folk cures. Naturopathy. Homemade medicine.
Natural Old Folk Recipes And Herbs
Benefits of Treating With Folk Recipes
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How to Treat Prostate Infection With Natural Remedies? Prostatitis. Symptoms.
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