Natural Old Folk Recipes And Herbs

Benefits of Treating With Folk Recipes

Natural Remedies work! Since the beginning of time, individuals have been depending on natural remedies.
It’s proved that almost every illness have a natural remedy. The most important advantages of natural remedies are:

Very easy to use with no side effects and they are prepared with no chemicals

Much milder on your body and you know exactly what ingredients are in your remedy

Natural Remedies Are Safer, Everyone Knows About The Negative Effects Of Drugs Overuse

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8 Foods That Cause Stomach Bloating

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Probably, everyone wants to have flat belly. Many of us, attempt through diet and exercise to achieve this. And as if everything seems on track, suddenly our belly swells, and you feel your jeans already tighten. What is happening? Today we'll talk about stomach bloating  and how to deal with it by natural remedies.

It is true, that bloating is not much serious problem for many people. But for others the effect is alarming - it spoils their shape, making them look fatter etc. In fact,   that it is not just an aesthetic problem. Everyone should be aware that bloating in the stomach can be due to an overloaded digestive tract, resulting from eating food or consumption of products, that irritate the stomach.
More importantly, swelling and discomfort are accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, such gases. They can be quite painful.
That's why I thought it an excellent idea to mention what are the foods that cause inflammation of the stomach and how to avoid them.

1.Fat rich foods
High fat foods are a major cause of stomach bloating.
They are not only provoke weight gain, but also slow down the process of digestion and raise cholesterol levels.
An excellent example of this type of food is french fries, which are rich in fat and starch and is more likely to provoke bloating.

Soda and other carbonated drinks are daily consumed by thousands of people, as they contain sugar, which makes them addictive.
The bad news is that carbon dioxide negatively affects the stomach, leading to symptoms such as heartburn and bloating.

3. Cruciferous vegetables
This class vegetables contain a polysaccharide, which is difficult to be processed in the stomach. When it comes into contact with the intestinal bacteria, it starts to ferment, triggering the onset of symptoms such as upset stomach, gas and belching. This, in addition with high fiber content, turns the cruciferous vegetables in foods, provoking stomach inflammation.
To avoid this result, I advise you to consume this kind of vegetables wisely. Combine them with other foods that reduce their effect.

4. Salt
Immoderate consumption of salt is a major cause of fluid retention. It is directly related to inflammation.
Reducing the daily salt intake, will not only be good  for the abdominal area, but it will have a positive impact on the overall person’s health.

5.Refined carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates are subjected to a process, that brings  out contained fibers, turning them into empty calories with no nutritional value. One of the worst options is the white flour, which is often used in the preparation of pizza, bread, pasta, pasta and more.
In fact, some people have intolerance to this type of food, as they exhibit allergic reactions when they consume them.

6. Spicy foods
Spices are beneficial to health in general, but they can trigger irritation of the stomach, when consumed improperly.This happens by an excessive secretion of acids, which irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach, leading to an inflammatory process. It is therefore a good idea to eat spicy foods in moderation. These include:
  • black pepper
  • nutmeg
  • chili powder
  • mustard
  • vinegar

7. Dairy products
People, who suffer from lactose intolerance, should avoid consumption of dairy products, even when they seem irresistibly delicious. This type of food can worsen their digestion, causing bloating, cramping and diarrhea.

8. Legumes
Beans are characterized, by the fact that it is difficult to be processed by the stomach, because they contain a lot of polysaccharides, and other ingredients, as well. Beans provoke accumulation of intestinal gas, and hence inflammation of the stomach is a matter of time. It is not a good idea completely to remove legumes from your diet. Try to limit the amount, as you can and cook them properly, before attempting to consume them.
You can get pretty protein from alternative foods, such as fish, chicken and soy products.

In conclusion I can say that the 8 foods that I’ve listed are the most common culprits for stomach bloating. It is advisable to avoid their consumption in excess, to avoid unwanted side effects.

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