Common Cold Photo source
Cold usually is caused
by different viruses. You can be infected if have contact with already infected
surface, such as telephones, books, computers, elevators , touching your eyes,
nose, etc. , or if you have contact with sick patient.
What are the risk factors? Common cold in children.
Children are more
affected by a common cold than adults. If your child has one of the following symptoms,
immediately see a dictor!
Common cold duration
full life cycle of a cold is usually between 7 and 10 days,
only 25 % of then last two weeks, and 5 % - 3 weeks.
Children may experience 8 colds per year or more and most of them do not
develop complications. However, parents should be aware of the signs of some complications as ear infections, asthma, sinusitis, and
Signs and symptoms of a common cold:
Symptoms can appear
1-3 days after exposure to a virus!
Many herbs have
wonderful antiseptic properties and effectively battle the common cold, the
most popular are:
It is a great natural
remedy for colds. Try to chew two, three cloves of garlic every day. If you
have stomach problems or can’t bear the
smell, use garlic powder capsules. This is the best natural remedy for
treatment of colds and flu.
For two, three weeks you
can take 200-300 mg capsules 3 times a day. Do not exceed the recommended dose.
Using this herb for a prolonged period of time (1-2 months) leads to a weakening of the immune
system! Echinacea tea is very popular, though.
Zinc strengthens the
immune system in a superb way. Its absence in the body leads to bacterial and
viral infections. When you catch cold take up to 40mg. per day (taking zinc capsule
more than 3 days may be toxic).
Natural sources of zinc:
wheat, black bread, oatmeal,
barley, beans, peas
cocoa, egg yolk, cucumbers,
A few people know that
home wine vinegar makes wonders when you have cold. It is great home remedy
against viruses. In 500 ml of water put 3 or 4 tablespoons of vinegar with 2-3
tbs. of honey. Drink this mixture 4-5 times a day.
Vitamin C
When you catch a cold,
the recommended dose is 500 mg twice daily. Although, excess amounts are
excreted from the body, do not overdo it, taking it for a long period of time
(1-2 months).
Sage (salvia)
According to herbalists,
sage is even more useful than echinacea. During cold or flu drink 1-2 cups a
day between meals, but not more than 2 days.
A few people know that
cayenne acts as a sinus"cleaner". It increases appetite and can
stimulate secretions, clearing the mucus from the nose and the lungs. If you
suffer from sore throat add cayenne pepper in a glass of water and make a
gargle 2-3 times a day. During colds and flu put it in a tea.
Horseradish mixed with
honey is a successful “tool” for combating viruses. During fever and severe
cold, steep a teaspoon of horseradish with vinegar. With this mixture lubricate
inside the one nostril, press the other with a finger and breathe. After ten
hours, repeat the procedure. It disinfects the throat in a perfect way. Also,
you can use it as a spice or healing of rheumatism.
Sea salt
Soak your feet in a warm
water with 100-200 gr. sea salt. It improves blood circulation and relieves
runny nose and breathing. Perform the procedure before bedtime. Put wool socks
after that.
Amazing natural remedy
for mild inflammation of the airways and colds. It relaxes the stomach and calming
the nerves, helps during sleep disturbances, disturbances during menopause,
sickness while traveling, stimulates digestion and acts carminative.
Put 30 drops in a bowl
of water placed on the stove and make inhalation for 20 minutes. You’ll feel a
great relief if you have suffered from sinusitis, runny or stuffy nose. You can
oil your temples, nose or lungs – it acts immediately. Contains useful
substances of 10 useful plants and herbs.
Grains of black elderberry
One of the best
immunostimulants. Treat bronchitis, sinusitis and sore throat. You can buy dry
fruits of herbal pharmacies or use it as a tea.
How to make elderberry
syrup to boost immunity - here.
Natural treatment with herbs, old home recipes and folk cures. Naturopathy. Homemade medicine.
Natural Old Folk Recipes And Herbs
Benefits of Treating With Folk Recipes
Natural Remedies work! Since the beginning of time, individuals have been depending on natural remedies.
It’s proved that almost every illness have a natural remedy. The most important advantages of natural remedies are:
Very easy to use with no side effects and they are prepared with no chemicals
Much milder on your body and you know exactly what ingredients are in your remedy
Natural Remedies Are Safer, Everyone Knows About The Negative Effects Of Drugs Overuse
What Are The Symptoms Of A Common Cold? Common Cold Duration. 10 Natural cures.
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