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How To Get Pregnant In
Natural Way? Photo source
Our society is
profoundly sick and infertility is part of the problem. Infertility is a sign
that something is wrong in and it should be solved. There are many factors that
can cause infertility, so conventional treatment is rarely effective.
Reproductive medicine and other artificial hormones can impair infertility.
What causes infertility?
There are a lot of
factors, but some of them could be:
A very large role
play poor nutrition and exposure to toxic environment. Age plays a much smaller
role before menopause, than
believed nowadays.
An interesting fact is
that changes in lifestyle and diet can make a huge step in the fight against infertility.
This often helps to solve problems such as obesity, lack of energy, blood sugar
problems, skin problems and insomnia.
How to conceive?
Getting pregnant may
take some time, especially if you do not know when is your ovulation. Many
women often miss the day of ovulation, because they do not know exactly when is
their day. It comes down to this - to know how exactly your body works. If you
are not sure when is your ovulation, you must learn how to predict your period.
Make regular sex
According to experts the
best time to get pregnant is every two days during the cycle. Make sure that
ovulation is between 12th and 16th day of your cycle and that the luteal phase
(time between ovulation and menstruation) is at least 10-12 days. Your chances
of conceiving rise if woman is in missionary position with the pelvis tilted up
using a pillow. After sex is nice to stay lying on her back for 15-20 minutes.
This undoubtedly is the
most important step. Many women are turning to low fat diets and increased
fiber intake, in an attempt to lower the weight and increase fertility. It is
true, that weight
loss can increase it, but thus, you deprive your body from necessary proteins
and fats, needed for the production of
To increase the
chance of conception:
The most important and
essential factor, is the lack of fat and protein in diet. Your body can only
produce the necessary hormones, and it is often the cause of infertility.
Release your body from toxins
Many couples overcome
infertility by just clean their bodies of toxins. Avoid the following
ingredients in body products, because they can disrupt the functioning of
hormones and from there, the ability to conceive:
Vital factors
Every physician knows
that smoking, drugs, high intake of caffeine may impair fertility in women.
More factors are:
Sufficient sleep
is necessary for the production of many hormones. Women with low levels of
melatonin and serotonin have a short luteal phase (time between ovulation and
menstruation) and therefore have less chance of conception.
Dietary supplements and herbs, increasing fertility
and conception
In some women great effect have some natural supplements.
For example, fish oil (improving fertility) helps for a healthy pregnancy.
Useful fat in it, and the high content of omega-3 fatty acids may help to
reduce inflammation, and promote the proper production of hormones. Helpful
herbs are:
leaves of raspberry – it’s a herb improving fertility, that has very good
nutritional value and high in calcium. It can use it in the form of hot or cold
nettle leaves – this herb is rich in chlorophyll and supplies very
well kidneys. It helps reducing stress and is great for getting nutrients.
Contains vitamin K, which prevents bleeding.
- it contains many micro elements and vitamins A and C. The leaves of this herb
have a diuretic effect, but the root has a beneficial effect on the liver.
Natural treatment with herbs, old home recipes and folk cures. Naturopathy. Homemade medicine.
Natural Old Folk Recipes And Herbs
Benefits of Treating With Folk Recipes
Natural Remedies work! Since the beginning of time, individuals have been depending on natural remedies.
It’s proved that almost every illness have a natural remedy. The most important advantages of natural remedies are:
Very easy to use with no side effects and they are prepared with no chemicals
Much milder on your body and you know exactly what ingredients are in your remedy
Natural Remedies Are Safer, Everyone Knows About The Negative Effects Of Drugs Overuse
Dietary Supplements And Herbs, Increasing Fertility And Conception. How To Get Pregnant In Natural Way?
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