Weight Loss –Tips To Choose The Right Herbs
Every woman wants
to be young, beautiful with a thin body. Before you begin to start lose weight,
you need to determine the cause of the excess weight. To lose excess weight you
should start with cleansing your body.
obesity results from over-eating and junk food.People suffering from obesity feel
hungry very often , and their food is deficient in fresh fruits and vegetables.
All this shows that the main reasons for obesity are – distended stomach and
inadequate intake of vitamins and fiber.
Tips to choose the right herbs for weight
Choosing herbs
for weight loss depends on the nature of your problem. If you have an increased
appetite, eat lots of parsley - put it in soups and salads.Parsley reduces the
secretion of gastric juice and it decreases appetite.
How to prepare an infusion of parsley?
Pour 1
teaspoon of dried parsley with a cup of boiling water. Let stand it for 10
minutes, then filter. Drink 100 ml when you feel hungry.
Losing weight
with herbs is a long process. First, herbs act slowly and cumulatively, second
- it takes time for the stomach to go back to its normal size.
How to determine how much food you should
take at once?
It is very easy - the normal capacity of the
stomach is two handfuls. So, do not eat food more than 2 handfuls.
Herbs for weight loss that work
Yarrow - to cleanse your body drink
up to three glasses yarrow tea daily. You can drink
it in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, as it contains tannins it
helps to combat stomach swelling. The infusion
has diuretic and diaphoretic effect, improves metabolism.
Tea preparation
Brew 1 tbs. of yarrow with 150-200 ml of
boiling water for 15 minutes. For weight loss is appropriate to use a mixture of the herbs yarrow, chamomile and anise, which
are prepared in the same way.
Yarrow tea is
contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 6 years
of age. It’s not recommended for varicose veins, as well. If you take yarrow tea
for a long period it is possible to feel stomach discomfort.
Rosemary – this herb stimulates metabolism. Rosemary
activates blood circulation and functioning of the urinary system. Rosemary is used for treatment of gynecological disorders
during menopause.
tea – preparation:
Brew 1 tbs. of
rosemary in 150 ml. water for 10 min. Drunk the amount throughout the day. It
is not recommended to drink tea before bedtime because excites the nervous
system. People with high blood pressure should take it carefully. Pregnant
women and children under 6 years should avoid rosemary tea.
Green oats - cleanse body of toxins in a best way.
The main
reason for obesity is the lazy excretory system. Green oat is also a powerful
detoxifying agent. It reduces appetite, has a positive impact on the liver, even
quits alcohol problems.
Green tea oat preparation
Brew 1 tbs.
for 20 min in 450 ml of boiling water. The daily dose is up to 3 cups a day. Keep
in a cool and dark place.
If obesity is associated with vitamin
Then the body
is trying to cover the deficit by extracting needed vitamins from ordinary food.
Vitamins might be in minimum amount, and especially if food is unhealthy, the
body desperately wants more and more food to recover the missing elements.
When a person
starts eating healthily (with plenty of fruits and vegetables, wholemeal bread),
then the constant feeling of hunger passes and weight adjustes to a normal
If your
overweight is due to lack of vitamins it would be useful to include green tea
in your diet.
Natural treatment with herbs, old home recipes and folk cures. Naturopathy. Homemade medicine.
Natural Old Folk Recipes And Herbs
Benefits of Treating With Folk Recipes
Natural Remedies work! Since the beginning of time, individuals have been depending on natural remedies.
It’s proved that almost every illness have a natural remedy. The most important advantages of natural remedies are:
Very easy to use with no side effects and they are prepared with no chemicals
Much milder on your body and you know exactly what ingredients are in your remedy
Natural Remedies Are Safer, Everyone Knows About The Negative Effects Of Drugs Overuse
Weight Loss –Tips To Choose The Right Herbs
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